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A Colorado mattress recycler gives the disenfranchised a second chance. But challenges are growing

Written by: Angelika Albaladejo
Photo by: Drew Smith, Denver7

COMMERCE CITY, Colo. — Colorado ranks among the worst states when it comes to diverting waste from landfills. But a Commerce City nonprofit is trying to help, by continuing a compassionate approach to recycling in the face of market challenges.

Spring Back Colorado has diverted roughly 11 million pounds from landfills since 2012. To do that, they break down nearly 6,000 mattresses every month at their warehouse.

Each day, workers slash, tear apart and crush mattresses to separate out foam, cotton, steel, wood and ticking, which is the outer layer of fabric covering a mattress.

But processing these materials is only a small part of their mission, often surprising customers.

“Once they hear the other side of what we do here, besides recycling, it kind of just blows them away,” said Robert Dainko, who has worked for Spring Back for more than three years answering phone calls and scheduling pick ups and drop offs of mattresses.

“You’re supporting disenfranchised men and women here that need a second chance,” he said.

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