Balers ready to receive raw materials like steel springs and textiles at the new Fort Collins warehouse (2016)
Since being awarded a grant from Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) earlier this year, Spring Back Colorado has begun to fill its new warehouse with the “tools of the trade”. For a used mattress recycling operations, those tools looks like this:

Spring Back Colorado’s new loading ramp at the Fort Collins warehouse makes it possible to load-in used mattresses and load-out bales of recyclable material ready for their next product lifecycle (2016)

Look for Spring Back Colorado’s new box truck out and about in Northern Colorado. Nicknamed “Bo” this indispensable part of Spring Back Colorado North’s operations has hit the road for used mattress pick-ups since September. You’ll see Bo making trips back and forth daily from Fort Collins’ new mattress recycling warehouse at 309 South Link Lane Unit B. (2016)

Central command in the Fort Collins warehouse: Spring Back Colorado is now able to schedule its diverse operations with customers, commercial partners, and vendors in the new warehouse thanks to add the CDPHE grant which helped this 501(c)3 purchase necessary equipment. (2016)

Industrial shop fans are a vital, if sometimes forgotten by the layperson, aspect of warehouse operations to keep the air clear and breathable in the new Fort Collins warehouse at 309 South Link Lane Unit B. (2016).